Stop Negative Self Talk About Your Body


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Sometimes our internal dialogue is our worst enemy! In this short video I'll inspire you to shake out old beliefs (they are just beliefs, afterall, they aren't the truth) and begin speaking to yourself as a loving cheerleader.

Be nicer. Treat yourself as if you were an innocent child with loving kindness, patience and...a little discipline too. If there is work do be done, do the work. Do your best. But don't sass your body — it is your most prized gift.

If this inspires you, like it and share it please. I also invite your comments below. Have you changed your internal dialogue so that you are kinder? Share how you did that so others who are having trouble can make changes too.

We all need to be so much kinder to ourselves. When we are kinder to ourselves, we will be kinder to others and the WORLD needs a dose of that!!! *can I get an amen!?*

Keep bringing Ayurveda to life.
Monica B.

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Gratitude Party!

Any time is the perfect time for a little gratitude, let's bring it to the party!

Our bajillion blessings far outnumber the not-so-great things (sometimes we give these too much air time!). Writing them out helps us really feel the abundance that surrounds us on a daily basis! 

Print one for your eyes only, or print out a bunch to share at Thanksgiving and everyone can fill out their trees! Hang them up or have each person talk about their 3 favorites. Heck, turn it into one big gratitude party! That's what Thanksgiving is bout afterall!

Page 1 - Write what you are grateful for in the circles, can you fill up the tree?
Page 2 - Write WHY you are grateful for each of them


The most important part is to connect to what you've been blessed with and WHY.

Even in the most challenging times, we are gaining perspective and wisdom and we can be grateful for the...

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6 Ayurvedic Tips to Survive the Time Change

It's dark at dinner time now! It's easy to "hooray!" for an extra hour of sleep and "hooray!" because it's easier to wake up. But it's more than just a switch of an hour. 

Time change in Ayurveda affects vata (energy of movement) because, well, we've made a fast change. *Poof* just like that, we gained extra sunlight in the morning and lost it at night. It can take some of us weeks to adjust but the 6 Ayurvedic tips below will help you slide back nicely into nature's rhythm quickly.

6 Ayurvedic Tips to Survive the Fall Time Change

1. Wake up before sunrise. For those of you who are not a super-fan of this highly effective ayurvedic recommendation, your opportunity is GOLDEN right now! This should be easy! Of all times of year to start practicing, now's the time. Waking before the sun as a daily habit, gives us an extra energy boost because we rise in the energy of vata, the energy of movement, which keeps us going all...

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5 Simple Ways to Overcome Overwhelm


*warning! When I filmed this, I was feeling overwhelmed myself, hence, the quick entry into my crazy breathing. haha!*

Transcription below
Have you ever been in a situation where you're humming along, feeling really good, taking on projects, and then all of a sudden, *WHAM!*

You're hit with this overwhelm of, "Oh my gosh. I just said yes to all these things. I have so much other stuff that I have to do. And now I'm kind of paralyzed in not knowing what to do first, or how to get out from under this. I feel so panicked that I feel like I want to move really fast, but I actually feel stricken, like I can't move at all."

I've got 5 tips that can help you overcome that feeling of overwhelm.

The fix starts with our breath and our mind because, really, we're not physically sitting underneath a pile of overwhelming stuff. Our mind is going and going and going, and telling us, "Oh my gosh. We have so much to do!" But the pile is not physically there so we...

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Freedom In Starting Over

Notice anything missing? Like my entire blog!?

Learned this week: Don't be afraid to tear it down and start over. 

It's 9.5 years old and long overdue for a makeover, so I finally decided to tackle the project. YAY great fun! And so friggin' daunting. There were 565 posts and felt like such a heavy load to move, adjust, fix, and weed through.

For years now I've felt like the amount of content was holding me back and weighing me down. I didn't even want to add to it anymore. I knew there was old crap in there. I knew stuff I'd written would make me want to hide my eyes. And therefore, I was afraid to go there.

Then I randomly came upon an article from Richard Branson that said, "Sometimes you need to tear it down and start over."


The words struck my heart like a glitter bullet and I took those 565 posts, archived 528 of them was down to 37. HOLY LIGHTNESS!! SO AMAZING!! FREE!! I can organize 37 posts!!...

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Benefits of Oil Massage (Abhyanga)

Vata season is windy, cold, light and dry. Brr. Don't forget your oil massages in the morning! Before your shower, warm some almond oil and give yourself a head-to-toe massage for about 15 minutes. Daily in winter is ideal, but at least once a week.

Benefits of applying warm oil to the whole body
• Brings strength, tone, and suppleness to the body and all tissues
• Makes our skin more elastic so we look younger (anti-aging!)
• Strengthens and improves vision
• Gives the body nourishment inside and out
• Increases longevity
• Helps us have sound sleep!
• Strengthens our ojas (immunity)
• Tones our tissues, bringing vigor and vitality to the body
• Improves circulation to extremities and internal organs
• Calms vata and pitta while helping kapha flow

Benefits of applying oil to the scalp
• Helps hair become soft and glossy, sometimes thickens it
• Works directly...

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A Kapha Goes to Costco, an Ayurvedic Story

 A Kapha Goes to Costco, an Ayurvedic Story.

My kapha husband wanted to disappear last night for an evening of carousing, by himself.

Do you know where he went?

Costco*. Yes, Costco because there are BIG things in multiples there and in BIG discounts. Kaphas love shopping, and sales and buying things in multiples. Kaphas are all about the accumulation and care-taking for everyone around them (cause they are so sweet). In a nutshell, Costco is kapha's heaven and vatas want to run screaming.

*For anyone unfamiliar, Costco is this MASSIVE warehouse, discount store where you can only buy things in multiples and/or huge things like a 12 foot stuffed teddy bear for $20, or a ginormous river raft that seats 30 of your closest friends (with built in cup holders!). 36" ready-made pizzas, tires, cruise-ship vacation packages, 20 lbs of mangoes, and a lifetime supply of shampoo. Anything. You can buy anything there in 10x the amount you need for 1/2 the...

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