Benefits of Oil Massage (Abhyanga)

Vata season is windy, cold, light and dry. Brr. Don't forget your oil massages in the morning! Before your shower, warm some almond oil and give yourself a head-to-toe massage for about 15 minutes. Daily in winter is ideal, but at least once a week.

Benefits of applying warm oil to the whole body
• Brings strength, tone, and suppleness to the body and all tissues
• Makes our skin more elastic so we look younger (anti-aging!)
• Strengthens and improves vision
• Gives the body nourishment inside and out
• Increases longevity
• Helps us have sound sleep!
• Strengthens our ojas (immunity)
• Tones our tissues, bringing vigor and vitality to the body
• Improves circulation to extremities and internal organs
• Calms vata and pitta while helping kapha flow

Benefits of applying oil to the scalp
• Helps hair become soft and glossy, sometimes thickens it
• Works directly on the sense organs to soothe and stimulate
• Lessens (even removes!) facial wrinkles

I mean, why would you not do it? ;)

Keep bringing Ayurveda to life!

Monica B.



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