Vata's Vices

Sometimes people think I have magical powers because I can often predict peoples' diet and lifestyle habits even if I don't know them very well. The way someone behaves (and eats!) gives me a lot of insight into their doshic make up. And not only that, but also gives glaring information about the dosha that is imbalanced.

In Ayurveda, when a dosha is increased (imbalanced), the person will crave foods and habits that will keep increasing that dosha. Meaning, they will crave the completely wrong things!

Let's take vata for example. Vata people talk a lot, move a lot, do a lot, lose focus, forget things, skip details, are creative, are dramatic/moody, love to be spontaneous, and are naturally bubbly. My brain automatically says, "Vata." Now, when I observe one of these vata people drinking a lot of coffee, skipping meals yet eating candy as a food group, drinking lots of diet Coke or carbonated beverages with ice, I say to myself, "Vata imbalance." Why? Because a balanced vata would not crave those things.

In my observation, an imbalanced vata craves: icy and/or carbonated beverages, coffee, crunchy snacks, candy, fake sugars, and gum.

I swear it. I've seen it too many times and these are the vice-favorites (Vice-rites? Anyway...). They all give a fast and false jolt of energy, which vatas have enough of naturally, so these vices put them into manic over drive. Buzz, buzz, buzz!!! In addition, anxiety, racing thoughts, insomnia, extra cardio (because they are worried about weight gain), constipation, and dramatic changes in mood are all common and often arrive together. No bueno! It's all too much movement, too much activity, too much cold.

If you are you thinking, "Um, this is me," then welcome to holding the power of change in your own hands. :) And if you are thinking, "Naw, I like soup and yoga." Then great! You are on the right track. Since I've given you vatas biggest vices, I will also give you some of their greatest virtues.

In my observation, a balanced vata craves: warm food and drinks, a whole foods diet, early bed and early rise, craves a scheduled routine and downtime.

When vatas follow what balances them, their positive qualities will majorly outshine the qualities they need to work on. If there was a bubbly, dramatic, unfocused person in front of me, and they grabbed a cup of herbal tea while enjoying their morning oatmeal, I would guess that they are much closer to their original balance.

Unless they just read HeyMonicaB last night and are putting their learnings into practice. ;) So there's the secret and I'm not magical, just observant (watch, I'm going to get a bunch of pittas asking for what their vices are...just watch).

And yes pittas and kaphas, I'll do your vices next. But while we are still on vata, any vatas out there have other vices they want to share? We won't judge. Maybe we can give you an alternative to help you shine like the sparkly ball of energy you are! X!



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