Pitta's Vices

 Ok guys, let's talk about pitta's vices, which stems from the previous post on vata's vices.

Remember, when a dosha is increased (imbalanced), the person will crave the foods and habits that keep increasing that dosha! Meaning, they will crave the completely wrong things.

Taking a look at pitta, we know pitta people are sharp-minded and sharp-tongued. They are direct, focused, witty with a great sense of humor, hyper-organized, detailed, play by the rules, ask a ton of questions, and are usually found in leadership roles.

So when I see a pitta person with a big burger on their plate, copious glasses of wine or cocktails, pouring extra Tabasco sauce on their nachos with jalapenos, and following it all up with a piece of chocolate lava cake (with ice cream), I know they have a pitta imbalance. Why? Because a balanced pitta would not eat that much or crave those things. By the way, that there pitta would be running for the heartburn medicines to calm that craziness down! ;)...

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Ayurvedic Oil Massage (Abyhanga) for Busy People

In Ayurveda we love the benefits of a good daily oil massage. *all cheer!*

Now, raise your hands if you are thinking, "Yeah awesome for the people who who have time for luxury but pssshhht, there's no WAY I can do that in the morning! I'm so busy — I can't even remember to bring my lunch much less do a massage before work!"

Um. Perfect! That's why we are talking about oil massage, or abyhanga, for all you folks that are super busy. Because that's you—and that's me! In my busy world with a full time job and full time life, I still do it and I'll tell you how.


• Sesame or Vata oil (for vata)
• Coconut or Almond, or Pitta oil
• Sunflower oil or kapha oil
{Psssst...if not from Banyan, you can get these oils from any grocery store in the oil section! Get the organic cold/expeller pressed kind.}
• 1 small plastic squeezy bottle. Like a travel size shampoo bottle or a mini ketchup bottle with a tiny...

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