Yay! Nice to meet you, I'm so glad you are here!

I've been teaching and writing about Ayurveda since 2008. It's my life work and my passion! I see Ayurveda through the eyes of a working mom, a high performer in the corporate world, a person who wants to chase their dreams, and someone who wants to feel energetically vibrant and healthy each day.

With the many facets of my demanding schedule, I have become the expert on tucking Ayurveda neatly into a modern busy lifestyle. I left my corporate job in March 2017 to pursue my dream of bringing Ayurveda to the lives of all those who crave it.


In 2006, I embarked on "Project Monica" which was my attempt to heal depression, loneliness, feelings of inadequacy, and riding a continuous emotional roller coaster. On the outside I was a social, healthy, fun-loving, successful graphic designer and personal trainer. *jazz hands!* On the inside, I was a mess. *sad trombone.*

I enlisted a small army of people to help me including an acupuncturist, a therapist, a life coach, a nutritionist and an energy intuitive. I mean, why not pull out all the stops?! And then the message hit me — There's no better project than myself. 

August 2007, I had a true epiphany one sad little Sunday in my San Francisco apartment when I just wanted to disappear. I searched online for "yoga retreat in India" and stumbled upon the word "Ayurveda." And then...before my eyes was everything I'd always believed about life, healing and mind, body, spirit, but never knew existed. Rivers of tears started flowing as I sobbed my eyes out and paced. How come I didn't know about this Ayurveda?! Why wasn't anybody talking about it? What the fruit?! We ALL deserve to have this knowledge! And right then, Ayurveda became my life's work (dharma). 

The next day I turned down a fancy full time design job and four days later I was enrolled in Ayurveda school.

While my "health army" was invaluable, I discovered that Ayurveda covered all those aspects of healing. I didn't need the army nearly as much as I just needed myself. Ayurveda taught me how to fix...ME. Power and healing comes from within.

My dharma is to lift people to their highest graces by making Ayurveda simple, beautiful and accessible in our busy world. 

After lots of queries from friends and family ("You're studying, Ayur-what?"),  I created HeyMonicaB in 2008 as a modern day resource for Ayurveda. I welcome your emails, comments, questions and any problems I can help solve. My goal is to expose this ancient science so that we can become a healthier, wiser, and more balanced world.

Namasté and *high kick*
[email protected]

Connect with me on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.

Monica Bloom is an Ayurvedic speaker, author, teacher and coach. In 2015, Monica released (wrote, designed, illustrated) the very first workbook on Ayurveda, In Your Elements: A Blooming Ayurvedic Guide to Creating Your Best Life. Monica is an Ayurvedic Practitioner with a Diploma of Ayurvedic Sciences, achieving her Certification in Panchakarma in India.

She has been a contributing author for Banyan Botanicals, Everyday Ayurveda, prAna, Spirituality Health magazine and Well & Good NYC. Monica brings Ayurveda to the workplace through her high-energy employee wellness lectures. Past clients include Airbnb, POPSUGAR, Pandora, Vionic, and CEB Global.


Advanced studies of Astanga Hrdayam, 2017 ongoing
Certification in Ayurvedic Facials, California College of Ayurveda 2016
Certified in Panchakarma, AyurGreens, Kerala, India, 2010
Diploma in Ayurvedic Sciences from Kerala Ayurveda Academy, 2009
NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) Member
Friends of Ayurveda Member
ACE Certified Personal Trainer, since 2006
Bachelor of Fine Arts, May 1998 (this will not help you heal, but it helps the site look nice)
By the way, I AM NOT A DOCTOR! Nope. I'm totally not and I have no medical background. I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner who offers lifestyle and nutritional coaching based on the principles of Ayurveda. I look forward to offering more healing modalities as my education in Ayurveda continues.